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News from Horizon Family Medical Group

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Don’t Forget the Sunscreen!

Don’t Forget the Sunscreen!

With summer winding down and cooler temperatures on the horizon, it can be easy to forget or skip the sunscreen when heading outdoors. But even if the sun doesn’t feel like it’s baking your skin,...

Getting Back to Routine Healthcare

Getting Back to Routine Healthcare

If you postponed or missed routine healthcare checks in the past 18 months, you’re not alone. A poll from Time Magazine (https://time.com/5941599/basic-health-care-postponed-covid-19/) found that...

Why Tick Bites are on the Rise

Why Tick Bites are on the Rise

Tick activity, including tick bites and related illnesses, are on the rise in 2021. Experts say the mild 2020 – 2021 winter is at least partially to blame. Ticks thrive in a humid environment, so...

Benefits of a Farm-fresh Diet

Benefits of a Farm-fresh Diet

Farmer’s markets around the country are in full swing with local farmers and artisans selling everything from homemade soaps to fresh vegetables. Orange County is no exception with multiple weekly...

Get Healthy, Together

Get Healthy, Together

If the pandemic and virtual schooling has meant more screen time than you would like for your kids, then now is the perfect time to get them off the couch and outside. July 19-23 is National Youth...

Know the Signs of a Stroke

Know the Signs of a Stroke

Someone in the United States has a stroke every 40 seconds, and every four minutes, someone dies from a stroke. That means every year nearly 800,000 people in the U.S. have a stroke. In fact, stroke...

Media Detox and the Benefits of Boredom

Media Detox and the Benefits of Boredom

A friend of mine recently asked me, “When was the last time you were bored? You know, when was the last time you waited—in a line, or at the dentist’s office, or whatever—and you didn’t pull out...

Amazing Holiday Recipes

Amazing Holiday Recipes

One of the best parts of the holiday season is gathering with friends and family and eating great food. It seems everyone has a favorite family recipe, some of which go back generations. To get your...

Health Effects of Daylight Savings

Health Effects of Daylight Savings

Daylight savings time ends on Sunday, November 3 this year. Did you know it can take your body (your circadian rhythm) about a week to get used to the new schedule? In the meantime, here are several...

Kindness is Good for Your Health

Kindness is Good for Your Health

The Dalai Lama said, “Be kind whenever possible.” He then added, “It is always possible.” In a day and age where we are bombarded by so much vitriol, so much conflict, anger, hate, and oppression,...

Stress Less: Easier Said Than Done

Stress Less: Easier Said Than Done

It’s a stressful time of year for many of us. The stress of a new school year, activities, schedules: it’s tough. So, this month, we’re focusing on a few tips and tricks that can help you and your...

The Cholesterol Reminder

The Cholesterol Reminder

We hear a lot about lowering our cholesterol, but did you know that your body actually needs some type of cholesterol? Maybe you’ve heard of the good cholesterol vs. the bad cholesterol? Here’s the...

Why Adults Also Need Vaccines

Why Adults Also Need Vaccines

Did you know that August is National Immunization Awareness Month? Each year, we use this time to remind our patients that kids AND adults should get their recommended vaccines. By getting your...

What You Should Know About ADHD

What You Should Know About ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a disorder that makes it difficult for a person to concentrate and control impulsive behaviors. ADHD affects millions of adults as well as...

Specialties we offer

Locations in Orange County, NY

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