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News from Horizon Family Medical Group

The latest information online and at your fingertips.

Measles in Orange County, NY

Measles in Orange County, NY

You’ve probably heard that Governor Cuomo “signed legislation removing non-medical exemptions from school vaccination requirements for children” a few weeks ago. This is directly related to the...

How We’re Communicating with You

How We’re Communicating with You

We all know communication in health care is of vital importance. The right information at the right time can make a huge difference. And coordinating your care makes a big difference for all of us...

Beware the summer slide

Beware the summer slide

Summer vacation is upon us! Remember how glorious it was to walk out of those school halls and into a summer of fun and adventure? It’s a magical season in the world of kids. But that doesn’t mean...

Get Your Eye Exam in May

Get Your Eye Exam in May

Did you know that May is Healthy Vision Month? It’s a perfect time to ensure you and your loved ones get an annual eye checkup. Taking time now to keep your eyes healthy and safe can save you from...

BBQ Safety

BBQ Safety

We may be clear from the winter storms and the snowy vortex we saw during those colder months in the year. Flowers are blooming, the sun is out, and BBQ season is upon us. What a great time of year...

How to Overcome Springtime Allergies

How to Overcome Springtime Allergies

Springtime is finally here (hopefully), and with it: allergy season. If you’re an allergy sufferer, you’re not alone. About 8% of people in the U.S. are right there with you experiencing hay...

5 Spring Health Benefits

5 Spring Health Benefits

Springtime is a great time to improve your health. As the sun returns and the weather warms, you can take advantage of the season and love the healthier you. Here are just a few reasons why you...

Make Time for Colon Cancer Screening

Make Time for Colon Cancer Screening

For those of us age 50 and older, regular colon cancer screening is the key to catching and often preventing colorectal cancer. If you have certain risk factors or family history of colon cancer,...

Improving Your Heart Health

Improving Your Heart Health

Did you know that 25 percent of deaths in the United States are caused by heart disease? Or that one out of three people in this country have high blood cholesterol? Heart disease is, in fact, the...

Help with Prescription Drug Costs

Help with Prescription Drug Costs

Prescription drug costs continue to rise in the U.S., making them unaffordable for some patients. According to National Public Radio (NPR), “brand-name oral prescription drugs rose more than 9...

Get Weekly New York State Flu Stats

Get Weekly New York State Flu Stats

It’s not too late to get a flu shot. Did you know the flu is still around and in force? And did you know you can track the flu activity across the country and here in New York? The Centers for...

Staying Warm in the Vortex

Staying Warm in the Vortex

We’re finally seeing some relief from the record-breaking temperatures across much of the Midwest and Northeast. And even though our old friend, Punxsutawney Phil, predicts spring will come early...

Overcoming Holiday Stress

Overcoming Holiday Stress

If this is the happiest season of all, then why do we sometimes feel so stressed out? We all have errands to run, gifts to buy, events to attend, goodies to bake, and no matter what we do, sometimes...

Cold Weather Safety Tips for Seniors

Cold Weather Safety Tips for Seniors

Autumn is winding down and winter is just around the corner. It’s a perfect time to talk with the older adults in your life about staying safe and healthy during the cold winter season. Or, if...

Guess How Many Kids are Obese

Guess How Many Kids are Obese

There’s no way to sugar coat it: More and more of our kids are overweight. In fact, obesity rates among kids and teens has tripled since the 1970s. [1] Now, nearly 20 percent of our kids are...

How Clean is Our Drinking Water?

How Clean is Our Drinking Water?

We sometimes take for granted that we can turn on our tap and immediately get a glass of clean water. But have you ever asked, how clean is my drinking water where I live? That was the question that...

How to Pack a Waste-Free Lunch

How to Pack a Waste-Free Lunch

Time again to start packing those school lunches. So, this month, we’re focusing on how we can ensure our kids’ lunches are healthy AND environmentally friendly. Quick Fact Did you know that each of...

Is That Psoriasis?

Is That Psoriasis?

Did you know August is Psoriasis Awareness Month? It’s the perfect time to help raise awareness of this autoimmune disease that affects 7.5 million Americans. [1] What exactly is psoriasis?...

Tips for Firework Safety

Tips for Firework Safety

Summer is finally here. For many of us, fireworks are as much a part of summer as BBQs and days at the pool. Unfortunately, every year, thousands of people see their fun summer evening turn...

June is Cataract Awareness Month

June is Cataract Awareness Month

Did you know that June is Cataract Awareness Month? More than 24 million people are living with cataracts in the US alone. That’s more than the entire populations of New York and Connecticut,...

Go Green This Summer

Go Green This Summer

Summer is a great time to get outside with friends and family and enjoy the wonderful weather. It’s also a wonderful time to go green. This summer, we at Horizon Family Medical Group encourage you...

When to Screen for Skin Cancer

When to Screen for Skin Cancer

Did you know May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month? Join us at Horizon Family Medical Group in sharing this article with friends and family to encourage early screening and sun safety. Call for your...

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Locations in Orange County, NY

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